Histograft LLC is the first company that developed and brought to the market a gene-activated material for bone regeneration. One of the company’s products is approved for bone grafting procedures in a wide range of medical indications.
While the bone grafts and substitutes market is getting over supplied with osteoconductive materials (natural and synthetic) that continue a technological thought of the 1980s, Histograft focused on gene-activated materials –the advanced products with nucleic precursors of growth factors. This class of bone substitute opens a special way to the future, changes the appearance of bone grafting and enable physicians to influence the course of reparative osteogenesis and achieve unsurpassed success in bone grafting and dental implantation.
The future of bone grafting belongs to osteoinductive materials.
Due to the plasmid DNA with the VEGF gene, the «Histograft» bone substitute provides enhanced formation of vessels in the implantation zone that improves and accelerates reparative osteogenesis. Hereupon, bone formation occurs not only from native bone surface, but also around the bone substitutes fragments located in the center of the implantation zone, i.e., out of direct contact with existing bone tissue.
The mission of the company is to make the treatment of patients in need of bone grafting simple, predictably effective and fast.
Our goal is to develop and implement into clinical practice a line of medical products that allow to achieve predictably effective results of bone grafting in any clinical situation.
The company was founded with an understanding of both the fundamental and applied aspects of bone grafting, by a maxillofacial surgeon, a pathologist and a specialist in business administration.
Product development began in 2010, technology and products are protected by Russian and international patents.
The first product, bone substitute called «Histograft», the granular material based on octacalcium phosphate and plasmid DNA encoding VEGFA, was approved for clinical use in Russian Federation in 2019.